I’m at WordCamp London - live-blogging some of the talks
EDIT: Bruce has added some corrections and clarifications in the comments below
- Responsiveness includes speed of loading
- 0.5 second delay is a 20% drop in traffic
- Images are a major cause of slowing down pages
- Av web page is 1.9MB - of which 1.2MB are images
- Number of images loaded is static over time, but the size of images increases significantly over time
- How can I send huge images to retina devices, but smaller images for rendering on smaller screens? Answer: HARD.
- First try: use css to swap in images based on page width:
- Fail: loads the retina image THEN the smaller image - i.e. downloads both - the opposite of what we want
- This is because CSS and JS get applied to the DOM, so the DOM needs to get loaded first (?)
- Browsers can create the DOM tree in whatever way they like
- Because of preloading (“the single greatest performance improvement that browsers have ever made”) The whole of the source is read before the DOM tree is loaded - as soon as an image is spotted in the DOM, a request is sent off to fetch that image (i.e. before the DOM tree gets constructed)
- therefore doing things in the CSS is too late
- Therefore it needs to be the markup - Media Queries have been around a long time
- Respimg - responsive images community group
- First time a group of web developers wrote part of the standard and got it into the spec
- Now in Opera and Chrome and soon to be in Webkit
- First use case - optimise for high dpi screeens:
- srcset attribute: specify images for particular pixel densities: a candidate list which the browser can use to select an optimal image
- The browser gets to choose - this is so that e.g. the user can choose what sort of image quality they wnat to have
- Second use case - stretchy images
- Can be done straightforwardly with css, but involves sending massive images down the wire and putting a lot of CPU load on the browser
- Slows things down for the user!
- solution: w descriptor - use in src set to tell the browser which image is more suitable for a particular page width
- All this requires a lot of cruft to add in all the clauses to make this work, but there’s a plugin from Respimg which does it for you
- Third use case - new image formats
- JPG/PNG/GIF are ubiquitous, but there are more modern, better compression alternatives: smaller files, better quality - e.g. WebP
- Traditionally the logic is you can’t use this in the wild because only Chrome and Opera support it
- with the
element you can supply different image formats with fallbacks - so e.g. you can use WebP and fall back to img (actually browsers will force you to do progressive enhancement (supply an image)
- Last use case - art direction
- Choose a different aspect of the image to display on different devices: zoom in on a different bit of the image for different viewport sizes
- Use media queries within the
element to display different versions of an image at different widths
- Release dates:
- in OPera and Chrome now
- FF in may
- IE “under consideration” …
- Safari already implement
- havent talked about<picture>
- It’s designed to force progressive enhancement - nobody gets a worse experience than they do now