I’m at WordCamp Europe in Sofia - taking rough notes on some of the talks
Karin Christen http://2014.europe.wordcamp.org/session/karin-christen/
Awesome sketchnotes by @studionetting
- Used dynamic style guide - one page in the prototype
- Started in the browser right from the beginning - speed benefits but also:
- responsiveness from the beginning
- easy reference for the existing styles
- visual specification - communication tool
- Prototypes = a basis for a specification for user testing
- php doesn’t work for dynamic prototypes - just html/css
- Made a prototype Generator (in js?)
- Installs quickly
- Dynamic content without php (how??)
- Benefit: less noise from php
- http://vuejs.org/
- Adds attributes which can be added to markup which can e.g. optionally show and hide elements based on url query params
Closing comment: “The modern prototype is a living playground, not a project milestone”
- Audience question - if you’re using wp - why don’t you just jump into wp? Why go to the effort of generating content in JS?
- Answer: the project example was for a complex back-end which didn’t exist yet. With WP their process is slightly different: start off designing in the browser (test there?), then port over to WP (once it’s validated?)
- My question - how do you deal with responsive elements when you don’t know what the context will be: media queries only work with the whole size of the page.
- Answer: we design in context