Domain service
- Hard to work out what domains a dept owns and what they’re responsible for
- Used whois to “build the DNS tree for government”
- domain prototype service on (not public yet)
- see all domains owned by a particular organisation and see whois records
- helps to find e.g. which gov depts were on cloudflare (and thus would be
victims of the cloudbleed event)
- point it at a domain and it’ll score based on potential vulns
- Terraform: open source - config files for infrastructure (?).
- Configuration as code. Source-controlled
- Need to protect even domains which don’t send email: other people might be
trying to send email from that domain
- mailcheck: open source
- Third party equivalents exist as Saas
- NCSC want people to send their DMARC reports to them: feed awareness of
what is happening in gov
- Starting to do analysis to see if there are dodgy links in these emails
and flag them for takedown
- DKIM - tell mail provider to sign outgoing email
- Currently public sector, may extend to academia etc