British Pregnancy Advice Service
- pregnancy, abortion, advice etc.
- site was due for renewal at the time
- thought that had made clear to dev to not hold sensitive information (but
this hadn’t been communicated to the contractor
- hired someone who didn’t have the skills to build the CMS they needed
- Contact form:
- Supposed to only send an email, not to store the data
- This built up over 6 years (9000 html pages), but relatively small
- Server monitoring was good - just the site was bad
- Nobody believed it had anything sensitive on it, so the security wasn’t
given significant attention
- Hacked by anonymous - anti-abortion defacement
- SQLi
- Malware to allow them back in
- Posted that he was holding sensitive info about BPAS info
- Source control helped to identify the files changed by the attacker
- He seemed to have been using an evaluation copy of the hack software which
didn’t mask his IP
- Fast injunction on the data (12 hrs)
- Took down server and republished
- Reported to Met Police
- Arrested within 24h
- Prosecuted - 32mo inside
- Report to ICO
- Large increase in hack attempts after the news story
- incl Low Orbit Ion Cannon
- Investigation took 2 years
- No visit to BPAS from ICO
- Hard to find records about original sites
- No hard evidence that they had communicated to the contractor that no
personal data should be stored
- Fine £250,000
- Ignorance is no excuse: ICO said that they should have known
- They assumed that they were not under investigation. Should have gotten
Lawyers involved earlier
- The negative publicity and misunderstandings were quite damaging to the
- Actual attack was negligible
- Bad publicity was significant
- Anxiety for clients
- Site down for 3 days
- Follow-on attacks put IT contractor relationship at risk
- The fine was from charitable funds
- Most leaks are a result of data sent to the wrong person - actual attacks
are pretty rare